Hello, this may be a little complicated and hard to explain so please bear with me. I’m hoping some FRx gurus out there can help me understand something.
I’m trying to teach myself FRx so I’m reading the FRx user guide. On page 53 they instruct you to enter a row in a row format. This row description is Interest Income (Expense). On a single row you combine a debit account and a credit account. The accounts are 5650 = Interest Expense & 7000 = Interest Income. In column H (Link to GL column) the formula is 5650 + 7000. And it instructs you to put a C in the Normal Balance column, which reverses the sign of the amount displayed.
So here we are taking an expense account which is a debit and ADDING the revenue account which is a credit. Normally you subtract your expenses from your revenue.
So normally you have: Revenue – Expense = Net (or Gross whatever…)
Here we have: Expense + Revenue = Net (or Gross whatever…)
So I’m assuming since FRx treats credit balance revenue accounts as negative amounts you can’t subtract the expenses since subtracting a positive number from a negative number will always give you a negative amount. Eg: -10 – 5 = -15 and this is not what we want. So we are forced to reverse the logic.
And the C in Normal Balance will reverse the sign so:
If our expense is say $100 and our income is say $75 we have $100 + (-$75) = $25 but the C reverses it so we have -$25 which is right since our expenses are greater then our income.
If our income is greater we have $75 expense & $100 income so we have $75 + (-$100) = -$25 but again the C reverse it so we have a positive $25.
Do I have this right?
Also, I’m assuming the C gets applied AFTER the calculation in column H?*This post is locked for comments