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Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking

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We're having an issue with receiving a transfer order after the shipment has been posted. We've assigned item tracking lines, etc on the shipment but it's not letting us post the transfer receipt because it's saying there are no item tracking lines. There does not seem to be a way to reverse the transfer order and the inventory is stuck "in transit" until we resolve this issue.


1) Is there a way to assign item tracking to a posted shipment so that it can be received?

2) Is there a way to undo the posted shipment and reship it?

3) Is there another workaround?


  • ariestechnosoft Profile Picture
    ariestechnosoft 7 on at
    Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking
    This is an old bug, back to Dynamics NAV era. I was hoping this is already sorted out in BC, but apparently it still happens (confirmed by one of my colleague, since I have long not touch NAV neither BC).
    I wrote a blog regarding the issue back when I was still working with NAV, hopefully it could help
  • Suggested answer
    Dynamics 365 Profile Picture
    Dynamics 365 2 on at
    RE: Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking

    Hi Joshua

    Sorry for the delay response.

    As I have checked for INTRANSIT, system won't allow to do Positive or Negative Adjustment.

    So, the only option is to Update the Reservation Entries through Config. Package or with the help of Technical Team.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please Verify My Answer If you found relevant so it will help others members also.


  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 4,055 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking

    Check the Transfer Order. If You posted the Shipping part, the Transfer Order should still be in the list - waiting the Receive part.

    So in this Transfer order - open the Line --> Item Tracking Lines --> Receipt and provide information what Lot No. is received and the quantities.


  • Joshua_saul Profile Picture
    Joshua_saul 53 on at
    RE: Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking

    Hi Aman,

    Thank you for your answer. We tried to use the item reclass, but received an error message saying:

    You can only use In-Transit location IN TRANSIT for transfer orders only.

  • Suggested answer
    Manan_Shah Profile Picture
    Manan_Shah 1,457 on at
    RE: Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking

    Hi Joshua,

    This happen due to reservation entries might be deleted or any else issue. I suggest please contact to your development Partner, They will create and update reservation entries for this Transfer Order. Once your Transfer Order have reservation entries with Lot no of your shipment. it allow to make Receipt against the Transfer Order. Or you can make create it from Configuration package. 

    Hope this will help.

    Many Thanks,

  • Dynamics 365 Profile Picture
    Dynamics 365 2 on at
    RE: Posted Transfer Shipment can't be received due to item tracking

    Hi Joshua

    Usually It won't happened but the solution is Item Reclassification Journal.

    You can do Item Reclassification Journal by taking Location In Transit to the location which you used for Shipment "From Location", and applies the same Entry Number to calculate the Proper Costing.

    As of now, we don't have Undo Shipment at Posted Transfer Document but it will release in Upcoming Update by Microsoft.

    Please go through this:

    Please Verify My Answer If you found relevant so it will help others members also.


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