Hi April
I have tested making the user a member of the Administrators group on the client and still no joy. Some further comments below.
From: Microsoft Dynamics GP Forum [mailto:dlcommed@microsoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 June 2012 4:31 AM
To: terrybolden@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Cannot drill to Dynamics GP2010 from Management Reporter 2012 with user who does not have Admin. rights.
Re: Cannot drill to Dynamics GP2010 from Management Reporter 2012 with user who does not have Admin. rights.
Replied to by April Olson
Hello Terry,
I am assuming you mean Administrative rights on the local workstation and not within Management Reporter or Dynamics GP?
When the user tries to drill to Dynamics GP, is the icon disabled from the beginning, or after the user tries and clicks on it?
When you click once on the amount the Icon is enabled but when you click the Icon it goes Blank. No Error Message, nothing in the Event Log. The Icon Remains Greyed even if you select another item in the tree.
There is one issue that if the user tries to drill back to a company in GP that is different from when they first opened GP and signed in, it will not work. This issue will be resolved with a future GP service pack.
No Logged in to the same company and can select and view Financial/Enquiry/Detail
As long as the user can open GP, sign in, and open the Detail Inquiry screen, they should be able to drill to Dynamics GP as we are using a URL from the GP team.
If you check the above and still have the issue, please also check to see if there is an error in the Event Viewer.
Nothing in the Event Viewer but did manage to force an entry by logging in to Windows as Domain Administrator and GP as a Local user. The entry was
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.Service.ServiceFault]: The connection to the Microsoft Dynamics GP database failed. Contact your system administrator. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.Service.ServiceFault).
This error was when the Windows User Nanotechsys\TBolden was not a member of the local Admin Group. After making TBolden a member of the Admin group the Icon just goes blank when you click on it.