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Create an import for data stored in design software.

Posted on by 14
Hi Guys;
I would like to move my quotation process over from my engineering design software onto the dynamics 365 CRM.
I have already configured the system to have the fields I require to produce the quotation and have setup excel exports from the engineering software.
I now need to be able to import the data from the excel files from the engineering software into the CRM.
The engineering software creates two different files namely. Quotelines.xls & Quoteheader.xls and I need to import one into the Quotes table in dynamics and the other into the quote lines.
Can someone please assist with how this can be done or maybe an app that can do this?
  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Create an import for data stored in design software.

    You can try using PowerAutomate.  Using an Excel connector, get each field from a file, and then using the Dataverse Connector, add a new row into the specific table (Quote/quoteLIne)

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