We want to send GDPR emails to contacts as soon as user updates the contact record (Send GDPR Email = Yes). The email should contain Unsubscribe link therefore if recipient clicks on Unsubscribe, the record in CRM should be updated with "GDPR Opt-out=Yes" and an associated record that confirms recipient clicked Unsubscribed.
We do not have a marketing tool yet, sending email from Power Automate is fine however question about handling "Unsubscribe" link from the email when recipient click on it, whether we need to build a page to confirm "You have been unsubscribe" and a way to automatically update the contact record back in Dynamics 365? or if it is difficult to achieve, then some kind of email message to a CRM team when recipient clicks on "Unsubscribe" therefore CRM team should manually action the unsubscribe for the contact?
Any idea and simpler solution thoughts?