Getting below error while upgrading the base application
Start-NAVAppDataUpgrade : Could not upgrade the extension 'Base Application'
by 'Microsoft' from version '22.1.240373.0' to '22.1.240992.0' for tenant
'default' and company 'RLS Inc' due to the following error: 'A connection to
SQL Server is no longer usable.
This could be caused by one of the following reasons:
* The server has been shut down manually or because of an error.
* The SQL Server connection settings are not correct.
* A network failure has occurred.
* A hardware failure has occurred on the server or on your computer.' and AL
stack trace:
/Update VAT Date Field/(CodeUnit 104051).UpdateBlankGLEntries line 21 - Base
Application by Microsoft
/Update VAT Date Field/(CodeUnit 104051).OnUpgradePerCompany line 13 - Base
Application by Microsoft
/Upgrade Triggers/(CodeUnit 2000000008).OnUpgradePerCompany(Event) line 2