I am researching how to add the cost of outsourced services for a manufactured product. Here are the current steps taken to manufacture the product.
1. Our company purchases materials as a dropship for the company we outsource the work to. This material is it's own Item Number in our system.
2. The outside manufacturer receives the product - service the items, and we then /purchase/ the custom material with the cost being that of their services. This then becomes another Item Number in our system.
3. Once the custom material has been received, we customize the size and weight of those custom materials and the product is ready for sale. (Becoming another Item Number..)
I am wondering if there is a way to connect these operations in a single Production BOM/Routings where Dynamics will be relieving the proper inventory as we finish a Production Order for this item.
We are including any transport charges in the cost of the item using Item Charges.
What we want to get away from is having to manage multiple Production Orders for the manufacturing of a single item.
Our company is new to utilizing Production BOMs/Routings so any and all feedback is appreciated.