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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Transfer PDK to Project - Failure

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We recently did an update to GP2013 (middle Dec) and since that time all of the Timesheets and or Employee Expenses entered via Business Portal do not flow through PDK and into the Project Accounting Timesheet Entry or Batches window as they did for the past 6 or 7 years.

The users are the same that are managing the process, so there is not a user learning curve that chaged, but we noticed that a number of tasks that are new to GP2013 effect how the data moves in the system.  One of the big changes is the buttons that are selected to POST time sheets to Canadian Payroll - an option that the client does not do - was 'flipped' at the conversion to GP2013 and caused us grief, when we 'flipped' that off the error encoutered with posting went away.  

Since that time we have been on the hunt to figure out what we have missed that is stopping the Timesheets and Employee Expenses in the PDK system and not pushing them to Project.

When we migrated to GP2013 we had created a new SQL Server - SQL 2008 R2 running on a new Server 2008 running on 64Bit OS.  The Business Portal is running on a new Server 2008 also running  on 64Bit OS.  The users with access to GP and PDK are running on the same workstations as they were when they were running on GP2010.

In the prior version of GP the user that was / is / responsible for managing the BP Timesheets almost never had to go to PDK to touch anything, now, it is a daily event for him to open PDK and press the Approval to move the Timesheets into Project Accounting.

What is the change - why is there a need to stop in PDK - what are we missing ?  We want to have the transactions approved by the Manager, in Business portal, and have it pushed all the way into the Project Accounting tables, not stopping in the PDK.

Please reach out directly at to assist as soon as possible.

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  • Kristie McNulty Profile Picture
    Kristie McNulty 977 on at
    RE: Transfer PDK to Project - Failure

    We have a similar situation, only, our option is set to process automatically, yet when timesheets were approved there was no batch generated in Great Plains.  Is there any way for me to reset the timesheets back to a status that would allow the manager to approve them again so the Great Plains batch gets created?  Or, do we have to delete them and ask the employee to recreate.  BTW - this is for GP2010, not GP2013.  I think there was some sort of "glitch" on the day the timesheets were approved, network or other, not sure, but it's just this one day where this situation (approved, no GP batch created) exists.

  • Verified answer
    RE: Transfer PDK to Project - Failure

    Funny how this seems to happen, but, continued to search the system for this type of error and found the following..


    There is an unsupported option that provides this functionality.  You can set the AutomaticProcessing column to 1 in the PmaTimeSheetConfig table.  Hopefully it works for you.  If it doesn't, I'm afraid you'll have to process your Project documents from PDK to GP.



    There is no BUTTON on any window, no field to allow you to set this, so, you need to edit the table in the company database in SQL Server Manager and set the value to 1 - rather than 0.  There is only one record in this table for each operational company

    I would like to wonder out loud "Why is there a field in a database that the USER can not access from the APPLICATION - PDK or GP or BP - that effects how this system processes the timesheets and expense sheets.

    I can see - sort of Microsoft defensive - why you might have this option set to DONT PROCESS AUTOMATICALLY if you were a company that did not trust the configuration of the system, but really, once configured, allow someone to flip this switch to allow it to work the way it should.

    Again, thanks for the time and energy to someone many years agao for this solution.

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