Does anyone know how to export journal entries from Dynamics SL 6.5 to excel?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Does anyone know how to export journal entries from Dynamics SL 6.5 to excel?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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PS Dorothy Znamiec from addressed this in a presentation to Convergence 2008, and provided code to add a button a screen that exports that screen's grid to Excel, providing automation to the processs described above. This might be worth doing if it's something that's done a lot.
Dorothy's code for this is on the Toledo File Host website sponsored by a Dynamics User, Betco Corporation.
Here's the link:
Best regards,
Gail J-N
thanks Craig I appreciate your help with this.
Hi nsun - Welcome to the Dynamics Finance community! Thanks for your question. I checked in with some of the friendly folks on the Dynamics SL dev team and they gave the following two suggestions.
1. In General Ledger: Journal Transactions – Select Journal, Highlight detail in grid, Copy, then paste in Excel.
2. Run the report GL Transactions use the ROI to select records. Press the Printer Option button on the bottom right of the ROI screen.
In the Printer Options select Print to File, then select the Setup… button on the right.
On the left side of the screen there is a drop down box: List Types of Files. Select appropriate Excel.
Enter appropriate File name and File location to create Excel document. Then press OK button.
Press OK button on Printer Options.
Then press Print button on the ROI screen.
Hope this helps
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