RE: Dynamics 365 signature in generated word-template
Upon request a quick short manual.
My screen recorder is not working for some reason, so here are some snapshots that should explain it all:
Create a custom field as multiple line and give it more than 16k characters.
Go to control tab and add the pen control for mobile.
Create a word template and in the developer tab open xml mapping pane.
Switch url to dynamics and find your custom field by schema-name (new_signature).
Right mouse click > insert content control > picture
Upload saved template.
To show the base64 string as picture, they added the following part: ' data:image/png;base64, '
This will not work in your Word file, so you will have to create a second field and fill it with the value without that part. (Best via plugin.)
For testing purposes, you can just delete that part in your field, however, the signature will no longer be shown on the mobile app for that record.
(ps: this is when you use the default app, not when you use Resco.)
Open the template for the record and it should show: