I have been stuck on this for some time now and I am not sure what has happened. Any help in resolving it would be appreciated.
When Importing a unmanaged solution from dev to uat I get the below error.
The dependent component Workflow (Id=0f1db187-49fb-48e7-9532-3cf4c9ffe3f2) does not exist. Failure trying to associate it with Workflow (Id=fd8af54e-2ac4-4113-b0a8-70eaaebc71ce) as a dependency. Missing dependency lookup type = PrimaryKeyLookup.
The solution currently does not include the SLA Based on Case Subject, or any SLA's so I do not know why this error is occurring when Importing the solution. In an attempt to resolve this issue I did remove an SLA with a different name.
When I run the c# console code below in dev and uat I find the name of Workflow 2 is SLA Based on Case Subject, and workflow 1 is null.
var wf1 = (from s in _context.WorkflowSet
where s.WorkflowId.Value == new Guid("0f1db187-49fb-48e7-9532-3cf4c9ffe3f2")
select s).Single();
var wf2 = (from s in _context.WorkflowSet
where s.WorkflowId.Value == new Guid("fd8af54e-2ac4-4113-b0a8-70eaaebc71ce")
select s).Single();
the SLA Based on Case Subject can be found in the processes advanced find. When I look into the workflow I find a start child workflow step that references a workflow that no longer exists
The SLA must have been deleted because it is not displayed in Settings->Service Management->Service Level Agreements
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