I have a task to upgrade NAV 2013 Base Report to BC.
I have already performed txt2al conversion and imported the same into my VS code repository to build as an extension.
But the converted AL object has way too many errors, few of which i was able to resolve. But there are other illogical errors. For Eg: I have a Salesperson table declared as a global variable, when the same variable used elsewhere in the object is shown as an error.
Any help on this issue & how useful tips on 'how to upgrade the reports from 2013 to BC' would be very helpful for me and many others reading this post in the future.
Johnson Patrick[View:/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/758/Work-order.al:320:240][View:/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/758/7271.Work-Order.rdlc:320:240]