I am having a problem with the letter writing assistant in GP 10 SP4. My customer is going through the process of preparing a debtor letter and when they reach the last step to create the letters, they are getting and error message "Cannot create Macro Storage".
I have searched all manner of sites and references and have tried renaming files, detect and repair in word, changing the DEX.ini paths for letter writing to a shared location with Full admin rights for all users, and nothing seems to be resolving the problem.
When i log on to the server as administrator, then i don't get the error, but when i log on to the server as a regular user, i get the error. To my mind this must have something to do with security, and i have tried giving all users full control of the dynamics install folder and the office install folder, but to no avail.
Does anyone know of another folder/file which i might need to give all the users full control to, to enable them to prepare their letters ?
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