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Intercompany setup options

Posted on by 42


Producing site = A
Selling site = B
Customer = C

I am reasonably familiar with the intercompany order process but I am looking for ways to streamline the process

This is our current process

  1. Sales order is raised in B for sale to C and price defaults onto the order from customer trade agreement in B
  2. Direct delivery option is selected in the sales order which creates an intercompany purchase order on A
  3. Intercompany sales order is created in A for sale to B with delivery to C. Intercompany sales price defaults onto the order from trade agreement in A

The process works but I have a couple of questions/comments

  1. Even though a trade agreement exists for the sale from A to B and also from B to C the price that defaults into each order is often incorrect
    Example: The same price will default onto both orders even though the price in the trade agreement is different. If I select "Update price" on the sales order line it will update with the correct price but it does not do this automatically.
  2. When I create the invoice for the sale from A to B is it possible to have the system automatically create the invoice for the sale from B to C
  • thesar Profile Picture
    thesar 32 on at
    Intercompany setup options
    I am trying to do something similiar but i can't find a way to have multiple customers from selling site to create intercompany purchase orde on A to same vendor.
    Have you solved this?
  • Dustbag1969 Profile Picture
    Dustbag1969 42 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options


    When we raise the original sales order we enter the confirmed shipment date and the confirmed receipt date.

    As soon as the Direct Delivery order is created it removes the confirmed shipment date and the confirmed receipt date from the original sales order and the direct delivery order that has been created in A.

    We then re-enter the confirmed shipment date and the confirmed receipt date in the original sales order and then switch to A and enter the confirmed shipment date and confirmed receipt date into the direct delivery sales order created in A.

  • andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,623 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options


    at step 3. - why do you update the sales order?

    As the sales order is is created shortly before the correct price should be present. Isn't it?

    Prices inside the automatically created purchase order (LE B) and automatically created sales order (LE A) should match at this point without any updates.

  • Dustbag1969 Profile Picture
    Dustbag1969 42 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options


    Unfortunately this is still causing me a lot of problems.

    A & B are different legal entities of the same company in different countries.

    C is the external customer

    I have sales agreement in A for sales to B (This is a lower transfer price)

    I have sales agreement in B for sales to C (This is the price for selling to the end customer)

    The process I follow is

    1. Create sales order in B for sale to customer C and the correct price defaults from the sales agreement onto the order and sales order confirmation

    2. Select the "Direct deliver" option on the order to create a sales order in A for delivery to C

    3. Switch to A and update the sales order. The correct price defaults from the sales agreement for the transfer price from A to B. However at this point I also get a pop up message informing me that the sales order in company B has been updated.

    4. When I check the original sales order from B to C the price is now the same as the order from A to B which is not correct.

    I do not want the system to share prices between A and B but it seems that changing one price on either of the linked orders can affect the other order.

    Any help appreciated

  • Suggested answer
    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,623 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options

    hy, please clarify.

    I'm a little bit confused about "Company A & B ... same company"?

    I assume: A & B are two Dynamics legal entities and each has its own Site in a specific countries.

    As I wrote you can either use one sales trade agreement in selling company (A sells to B), or a purchase aggreement in purchasing company (B buys at A). No matter how you setup this, Dynamics will seach the price if you have activated "Price and discount search"

    - either for purchase order


    - or for sales order


    You need only one point to define your IC prices, hope this clarifies.

  • Dustbag1969 Profile Picture
    Dustbag1969 42 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options


    Company A & B are two sites of the same company in different countries. I currently have

    Trade agreement in A for the sale to B

    Trade agreement in B for the sale to C

    I do not have any purchase trade agreement in place between B and A.

    Could you tell me how if/how it is possible for the price to default into each of the sales orders that is created based only on the trade agreement that is available in A or B.

  • Suggested answer
    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,623 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options


    I see it as follows.

    You need trade agremment in LE B for correct price to end customer C. There is no dependency to the prices between A & B.

    You need

    - either a sales price (base price or trade agreement) in LE A for Intercompany Customer B.  

    - or a purchase price (base purchase price or trade agreement) in LE B for Intercompany Vendor LE A

    My experience was, if you have both trade agreements (sales in LA A and purchase in LE B) the price will be used in what LE you created the document (sales oder or purchase order).

    As you allow edit prices or discount in purchase or sales order ach legal entity van change that and will be synchronized immidiatelly to the corrosponding purchase or sales order.

    As C is the end customer you need nothing to setup regarding intercomapy, it should be also not possible.

    Before you switch on to post and print automatically you should have tested all possible combinations to find the correct prices. After you switch on post automatically you should check again.

  • Dustbag1969 Profile Picture
    Dustbag1969 42 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options


    I have ticked the "Price and discount search" box in the intercompany setup for the customer (C) in company (B) system. Do you also think I need to tick the same option in Producing site (A) for intercompany sales to (B) ?

    Packing slip/Invoices

    Because of the issue I have with the wrong prices defaulting on the orders I am concerned that if I create the packing slip/invoice automatically after creating the invoice from A to B the invoice from B to C could use the wrong price on the invoice. I guess there is only one way to find out.... 

  • Suggested answer
    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,623 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Intercompany setup options

    So for the frist question I cant' give you an answer as it not always happens. Are you using alwas the same items? Will the correct price be found when you create the order with this item manually in A? Which price will be found when you cretae the purchase oder in B manual to bay at A?

    Also check this parameter:


    For the second question it depends also on the settings inside the IC setup. The left box should be effective to dreat packing slip, to post and print customer invoice.


    To automate this I think you need to setup some bacthes (filtered to your process) to do this.

  • RE: Intercompany setup options

    Moved to Supply Chain Management as this shouldn't need to be specific to AX.

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