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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Lock/unlock table from GP script

Posted on by 365

We have multiple users to run following script:

{add a batch activity record so that this doesn't get run twice}

set 'D_Batch Source' of table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR to "JTETRX";

set 'D_Batch #' of table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR to "JTETRX";

set 'D_User ID' of table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR to "PCONS";

change table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR;

save table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR;


{Copy this code below below to clear the error}

set 'D_Batch Source' of table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR to "JTETRX";

set 'D_Batch #' of table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR to "JTETRX";

set 'D_User ID' of table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR to "PCONS";

change table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR;

remove table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR;

warning "Process Completed";

In this script, we have "save" " remove" record on table S_Batch_Activity_MSTR.  this script is in client side not in server side. How can we lock this table  while one user running script, and do not let other running it?

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  • Mariano Gomez Profile Picture
    Mariano Gomez 26,225 on at
    RE: Lock/unlock table from GP script

    It's not enough to add the batch activity record. You also need to change the Batch Status in the Batch Headers table. Also, it would help to know what you are trying to do.

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