I have a quick question regarding filter expression in a flow.
I would like the trigger to fire only when the statuscode is set to 'Quality Manager'.
What's wrong with this solution?
Thanks in advance!
I have a quick question regarding filter expression in a flow.
I would like the trigger to fire only when the statuscode is set to 'Quality Manager'.
What's wrong with this solution?
Thanks in advance!
Change statuscode eq 200.010.002 to statuscode eq 200010002.
Thank you!
The value in 'Modify List Value' is grayed out and cannot be changed for me.
But the Value is 200.010.002.
Now I have written:
statuscode eq 200.010.002
But now I get the following error message:
Exception parsing statuscode eq 200.010.002 submitted for attribute filterexpression of callback registration. Target entity: kcrm__new_qualitycheck. Exception: Microsoft.OData.ODataException: Syntax error at position 22 in 'statuscode eq 200.010.002'.
at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.ExpressionLexer.ValidateToken(ExpressionTokenKind t)
at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseExpressionText(String expressionText)
at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.ODataQueryOptionParser.ParseFilterImplementation(String filter, ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration, ODataPathInfo odataPathInfo)
at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.ODataQueryOptionParser.ParseFilter()
at System.Web.OData.Query.FilterQueryOption.get_FilterClause()
at System.Web.OData.Query.FilterQueryOption.ApplyTo(IQueryable query, ODataQuerySettings querySettings)
at System.Web.OData.Query.ODataQueryOptions.ApplyTo(IQueryable query, ODataQuerySettings querySettings)
at System.Web.OData.Query.ODataQueryOptions`1.ApplyTo(IQueryable query)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.EdmModelEvaluator.EvaluateFilterExpression(String filterExpression, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.EdmModelEvaluator.EvaluateFilterExpression(String filterExpression)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.CallbackRegistrationService.<>c.<.cctor>b__34_0(EdmModelEvaluator evaluator, String testValue)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.CallbackRegistrationService.ValidateInputEntity(IBusinessEntity entity, ExecutionContext context, IFeatureDetailContainer featureDetailContainer)
A little trick to easily generate a filter for power automate. You can use fetchXml Builer tool availble on XrmToolBox:
Hi danielst,
'Quality Manager' is the label of the option, it can be repeated, we need to use its value instead of label.
We have to see the value in the classic customization.
Take the Lead entity as an example, find its statuscode field.
Then we can edit the option to see its value.
Finally enter statuscode eq 1 in the flow. (No quotation marks.)
Hi danielst,
You need to compare with the statuscode value. It will be something like: "statuscode eq 7000000"
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