Hello !
I have a question about cost of finished goods.
I have item card for finished good with standard costing method, and standard cost on this card is 200.
But I have also two SKU's for this finish good, where standard cost is 220 and 210.
When I opren production order, choose my item and one of SKU's, cost on production order is 220 - which is correct because I want to produce this finish good on exact SKU with exact cost. And when I post production and consumption, cost is still correctly posted - 220.
But when I change status of this production order to "Closed" the cost of this finish good is reposted for 200. So at the end we have posted cost from item card not from SKU.
Can you tell me, how can I handle it and at the end, when production order is closed have posted cost from SKU - not from item card?
Thank you in advance!