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Remove Microsoft Nonprofit Cloud Accelerator Data

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I preface by saying the Nonprofit Cloud has drained more hours from myself and my staff than I have ever experienced in my 30 some years of coding. I found several pleas for help on this issue and the answers ranged from install new scripts to add new data to delete the data (pure insanity) and then on the other side open a ticket. So, I tried to open a support ticket and could not as the drop down for the Severity Level did not work. And now I am here ... Again. 

The accelerator added a bunch of sample data that if I was in Linux I could easily have just deleted. But not so with Microsoft. In fact, I cannot even delete any record whatsoever. Below is the error message. Building on this, there is no real, cohesive way to get ANY assistance other than forums and the only way I got help last time was to call out Microsoft Executives on LinkedIn whom finally issued the order to help. It is tragic, really. The platform is really ... I am just fed up and would respectfully request some help.

I can deactivate anything I want but, if I try to delete anything I get the below error. To that point, some guidance on what this means would be great as even the Microsoft Virtual didn't know anything. Thanks in advance.

Business Process Error 

The Target is NOT an Entity. Exiting plugin.

Error code: 0x80040265Session Id: ab1677b2-beee-4123-a827-e4d64130e633Activity Id: d2e1c395-f93f-46f4-8893-b5e62471feb8Time: Wed Sep 28 2022 18:32:41 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  • FRER Profile Picture
    FRER 17 on at
    RE: Remove Microsoft Nonprofit Cloud Accelerator Data

    So, is it possible? Sure, anything is possible. The issue, though, is this does not follow industry standards --- both the solution proposed and the insanity currently offered as an answer throughout the forum. And generally speaking, when you are cutting all kinds of corners on something as basic as a data import, there is going to be larger problems down the road. Thanks for the thought, though.

  • Suggested answer
    Abdul Wahab Profile Picture
    Abdul Wahab 12,077 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Remove Microsoft Nonprofit Cloud Accelerator Data

    Hi FRER,

    Sorry if it does not make sense. Is it possible to reinstall the accelerator? It will resolve the problem.

    If I answer your question then please mark it as verified.

    Let me know if I can provide you with more details.


    Abdul Wahab
    Power Platform & Customer Engagement Developer/Lead/Solution Architecture/Project Manager
    Skype: abdul.wahabubit

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