I am trying to Export the Solution by adding some Components via Settings, but while Exporting, I am getting the (.zip) Folder, Is there any way to Include the Logo while Exporting the Solution.
I am trying to Export the Solution by adding some Components via Settings, but while Exporting, I am getting the (.zip) Folder, Is there any way to Include the Logo while Exporting the Solution.
Hello Bala,
Discover more on solutions in this set of new Application lifecycle management (ALM) articles: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/alm/solution-concepts-alm
If you have a logo to deploy, I assume you have created it as a Web Resource:
Web resources need to be included in your solution in order to be deployed to another environment.
Hi Bala
Sorry, could you elaborate or show an example of what are you trying to achieve?
I am trying to Export the Solution by adding some Components via Settings, but while Exporting, I am getting the (.zip) Folder, Is there any way to Include the Logo while Exporting the Solution.
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