RE: Email Preview Tab Missing After Enabling 2020 Wave 1
Hello Pratik,
This question was already raised through another channel, so I'm making the answer more broadly available here:
This is correct, the Email Preview and HTML tabs options are removed for a few reasons:
1. Most of the email providers supports limited HTML constructs on emails like they will strip scripts, certain HTML constructs etc.
We've had a lot of customers run into this issue commonly where they will see stripped out content on emails.
2. Historically it was never intended to be enabled as we wanted to keep it similar to typically email clients which doesn't do HTML editing but a bug in code (because same editor is used in KB and marketing email templates) had left it enabled. We couldn't remove it as that would have been a breaking change and hence it's being done in major release (2020 Release Wave 1).
As for preview, similar reasons for that as well, emails already is a WYSIWYG view which shows how email will look like, so we have removed the preview pane to align it more like standard email clients.