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Restrict Specific Users from Editing Sales Order Lines That Was Created from Sales Quotes

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to implement a restriction in Business Central to prevent specific users from editing the lines on sales orders that are created from sales quotes, while still allowing them to edit other details of the sales order. The goal is to make the lines section non-editable for those users.

Could someone help me with how I can perform that?


Thank you in advance for your support!

  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 25,785 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Restrict Specific Users from Editing Sales Order Lines That Was Created from Sales Quotes
    If the user has permissions to the sales lines from another permission set, then the new permission set you're assigning won't do anything. You need to remove the permission to this table from the other permission sets this user has access to, or remove his access to those permission sets. 
  • Lama Profile Picture
    Lama 37 on at
    Restrict Specific Users from Editing Sales Order Lines That Was Created from Sales Quotes

    Hi Mr.Yun,

    I’ve followed the steps you suggested, but it didn’t achieve what I wanted. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

    1. I created a Permission Set with full permissions (Read, Insert, Modify, Delete) for the "Sales Line" table, and I linked it to a Security Filter where the Document Type = Quote, Invoice, Credit Memo, Blanket Order, Return Order.

    2. I created another Permission Set for the "Sales Line" table, with full permissions (Read, Insert, Modify, Delete), and I applied a Security Filter where the Document Type = Order. I also added a new field to the "Sales Line" table to use as a filter: Quote No, which retrieves its value from the Sales Header field Quote No . Here's the code for the field:

      field(50101; "Quote No"; Code[20])
      Caption = 'Quote No.';
      FieldClass = FlowField;
      CalcFormula = lookup("Sales Header"."Quote No." where("No." = field("Document No.")));

      I then used this new field Quote No. in the Security Filter for this Permission Set and set the filter to the value of ''.

    3. Lastly, I created a third Permission Set linked to the "Sales Line" table, where the permission is set to Read only. I applied a Security Filter to the Document Type = Order and also linked it to the new Quote No field that is not equal  <>''.

    However, even after applying this solution, the user assigned these Permission Sets can still open the sales orders created from sales quotes and make changes (insert, delete, modify) without any restrictions.

    Can you help me, with how I can apply the solution I'm looking for?

    Thank you in advance for your support!

  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 7,919 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Restrict Specific Users from Editing Sales Order Lines That Was Created from Sales Quotes
    You can achieve this by adding code to the Sales Line table or the Sales Order page to make the lines non-editable based on specific conditions.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,147 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Restrict Specific Users from Editing Sales Order Lines That Was Created from Sales Quotes
    Hi, only Security Filter can do this in the standard, but it will also prevent users from seeing these Sales Order lines.
    If you really need to do it, you can try adding Security Filter. For example, Quote No. is not equal to empty.
    Hope this helps.
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 25,785 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Restrict Specific Users from Editing Sales Order Lines That Was Created from Sales Quotes
    As far as I know, this isn’t possible out of the box. You could implement a simple customization where sales lines originating from a quote are non-editable for specific users. This could be managed by adding a boolean field in the User Setup page, allowing you to designate which users should have restricted access.  
    Using standard functionality, restrictions on editing an order can be imposed through approval workflows when the order status is set to Released. However, this approach restricts all users, not just specific ones, from editing the order. Additionally, it prevents editing of both the sales lines and the header.
    If these users should never be able to edit the sales lines, regardless of whether the order is from a quote or not, you can the following functionality to achieve this - Mark fields as read-only when customizing UI | Microsoft Learn. However, I’m guessing that’s not the case, and they should still be able to edit lines that are not from quotes.

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