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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

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Receiving Error 5385 when trying to create new batches from an SSIS package using eConnect's taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd procedure.

BCHSOURC = "Sales Entry"







SOP transactions are already in GP, but under a "holding" batch for open transactions while they are in AR.  When the client mails invoices to customers, an Extract number is assigned to the AR transactions, and we were planning to use the Batch to group these transactions, with BACHNUMB = Extract Number.  When the Extract number is assigned, we create the new Batch (if it doesn't already exist), and update the SOP transactions with new Batch IDs.

 Curious as to what I may be doing wrong here.  The Batches are created fine if they are given a BCHSOURC = "RM_Sales."

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  • PhilInYork Profile Picture
    PhilInYork on at
    RE: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

    BACHFRQ must be default for Sales Entry transactions.  Using GP 2013.  Here is the code for both Sales Entry and Invoice Entry:

    DECLARE @RC int

    DECLARE @I_vBACHNUMB char(15)

    DECLARE @I_vBCHCOMNT char(60)


    DECLARE @I_vGLPOSTDT datetime

    DECLARE @I_vBCHSOURC char(15)

    DECLARE @I_vDOCAMT numeric(19,5)



    DECLARE @I_vCHEKBKID char(15)

    DECLARE @I_vCNTRLTOT numeric(19,5)


    DECLARE @I_vPOSTTOGL smallint

    DECLARE @I_vPmtMethod smallint

    DECLARE @I_vEFTFileFormat smallint

    DECLARE @I_vRequesterTrx smallint

    DECLARE @I_vBRKDNALL tinyint

    DECLARE @I_vUSERID char(15)

    DECLARE @I_vBACHFREQ tinyint

    DECLARE @I_vRECPSTGS smallint

    DECLARE @I_vMSCBDINC smallint

    DECLARE @I_vAPPROVL tinyint

    DECLARE @I_vAPPRVLDT datetime


    DECLARE @I_vTRXSOURC char(25)

    DECLARE @I_vUSRDEFND1 char(50)

    DECLARE @I_vUSRDEFND2 char(50)

    DECLARE @I_vUSRDEFND3 char(50)

    DECLARE @I_vUSRDEFND4 varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @I_vUSRDEFND5 varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @O_iErrorState int

    DECLARE @oErrString varchar(255)


    SET @I_vBCHSOURC  = 'Sales Entry    '


    --SET @I_vBCHSOURC  = 'Invoice Entry  '

    SET @I_vBCHCOMNT = 'Imaginary Sales has been updated 2'

    SET @I_vSERIES  = 3

    SET @I_vGLPOSTDT  = ''

    SET @I_vDOCAMT  = 0  

    SET @I_vORIGIN  = 1

    SET @I_vNUMOFTRX  = 0  

    SET @I_vCHEKBKID  = ''

    SET @I_vCNTRLTOT  = 0.00000

    SET @I_vCNTRLTRX  = 0

    SET @I_vPOSTTOGL  = 0

    SET @I_vPmtMethod  = 0

    SET @I_vEFTFileFormat  = 0

    SET @I_vRequesterTrx  = 0

    SET @I_vBRKDNALL  = 0

    SET @I_vUSERID  = 'pdoucette'

    --SET @I_vBACHFREQ  = 1  --Must be default for Sales Entry.  Un-comment for invoice batches

    SET @I_vRECPSTGS  = 0

    SET @I_vMSCBDINC  = 0

    SET @I_vAPPROVL  = 0

    SET @I_vAPPRVLDT  = ''


    SET @I_vTRXSOURC  = ''

    SET @I_vUSRDEFND1  = ''

    SET @I_vUSRDEFND2  = ''

    SET @I_vUSRDEFND3  = ''

    SET @I_vUSRDEFND4  = ''

    SET @I_vUSRDEFND5  = ''

    EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd]






























     ,@O_iErrorState OUTPUT

     ,@oErrString OUTPUT

    Select @RC, @O_iErrorState, @oErrString

    --5385 Recurring batches are not allowed for the Batch Source type  

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed


    I looked back and I think I was the one who recommended eConnect to you in th first place? How do you find it. Why are you using SSIS? What other data other than SOP are you importing - Just interested.

    One thing you can do (you might have thought of it already), is write the document failure codes to a table - include the SOP document number, debtor ID, tax schedule, etc etc. Include a field that says if the record was integrated successfully or not (0 = not yet tried, 1 = integrated, 2 = attempted but failed. Then create a smartlist that queries this table and flters to '2's'. Users can then run this periodically to see what transactions failed - in most cases the issues will be in GP - Debtor not set up etc...and users can create the debtor or whatever - next time the integration runs, the document is successful - no IT Manager time required!!

    Best regards,

  • Trevor Baltimore Profile Picture
    Trevor Baltimore 110 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

    I think your last suggestion fixed the issue.  I could swear that I received this error early in development and that's why I added BACHFREQ, but could be wrong.  Maybe I added it and set it to 1 thinking that was correct.  According to the Schema, it's a non-required field.  But I think I added after receiving the error early on to attempt to fix the error since "1 = Single Use" sounds an awful lot like non-recurring to me, does it not to you?

    So, I went back, and stripped out ALL non-required fields, including BACHFREQ.  It now appears that my SSIS package is running.  I will check results when the execution completed to verify, but for now, thank you very much for your help in figuring out what was going on.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

    Well thats true, you can't set up a recurring SOP batch in GP...but you're not trying to set one up, right?

    Just checking to make sure I understand the problem.

  • Trevor Baltimore Profile Picture
    Trevor Baltimore 110 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

    Will give your suggestions a try.  It tells me that recurring batches are not allowed for the Batch Source.  Can't cut and paste the full error at the moment as I am popping it up in a message box with a script task.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

    Yeah, all looks good. Maybe leave out the BACHFREQ,  and see what happens? I think this should default anyway.

    Can you post the exact error message you are getting? Are you only creating SOP batches? Are any of your other integrations giving errors?

    Bit drastic, but have you tried re-installing eConnect.

    What about service packs?

    I will be near a PC with eConnect installed tomorrow and can test a bit.

    Best regards,

  • Trevor Baltimore Profile Picture
    Trevor Baltimore 110 on at
    Re: Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

     Here's the XML:






           <BCHSOURC>Sales Entry</BCHSOURC>






  • Trevor Baltimore Profile Picture
    Trevor Baltimore 110 on at
    Re: Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd - Recurring batches are not allowed

    The values above look fine.

    Are you populating the RECPSTGS field with anything? (bit of  a shot in the dark!!)


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