I need to make a new item every so often and would like to have it done programmitocally. I did this using an (INSTEAD OF INSERT) trigger but since we DON'T always need a new item created I disabled it.
The new item is a basically a copy of an existing item with a few changes as outlined below.
Could a button execute this sql code prompting for a parm (Existing ILC).
The sql does bascially the following:
1- Need error checking on parm
. ILC (parm1) exists and has a departmentid of 7 and a quantity > 0
2. Create NewILC using alot of data from the original ItemLookupCode
. Description = orgILC description plus Fat Quarter
. ItemLookupCode = parm of orgILC (ILC plus FQ)
. CategoryID = 22
. Item Type = 3
. Price = orgILC price / 4
. PriceA = orgILC priceA / 4
. PriceB = orgILC priceB / 4
. PriceC = orgILC priceC / 4
. TaxID = orgILC taxid
. Cost = orgILC cost /4
. Quantity = 0
. LastUpdated = today's date
. LastSold = empty
. LastCounted = blank,
. Date Created = today's date
Other fields in new items are the same as the orginal item
DepartmentID, CommissionMode, FoodStampable, ItemNotDiscountable, TaxID, BarcodeFormat, ExtendedDescription, SubDescription1, SubDescription2, SubDescription3, QuantityEntryNotAllowed, PriceMustBeEntered, Taxable, WebItem, Consignment, Inactive, DoNotOrder, etc...
Any help would be appreciated.
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