Hi guys,
We have a custom entity, with 'sending email' and 'activities' enabled, when we create an email off this custom entity record, the 'To' and 'Regarding' fields are auto populated, but they are not clickable. Usually, the data value in the lookup is blue and linking to the record. But, what we have is black. Also, our custom entity is not showing up in the list when you click the lookup field and try to select a record from available entities. Technically, if you enable sending email for a custom entity, it should show up in the list for 'To' field for email message in CRM. Anybody experienced this situation and knows the cause? and Is this a potential issue if the email regarding our custom entity record is sent? Is there some system/entity setting controlling this? All of this should be out of box once you enable sending email for an entity. How we can find out the reason and problem?
Thank you in advance