HI Guys,
I've accidentally post a payment to a wrong purchase invoice. How can I reverse the payment so that i can see back the remaining amount back in my posted purchase invoice ?
HI Guys,
I've accidentally post a payment to a wrong purchase invoice. How can I reverse the payment so that i can see back the remaining amount back in my posted purchase invoice ?
Mentioned process is for cheques (checks) only. If you can’t do it that way unapply the payment from the invoice through the vendor ledger entries page. Click on applied entries and then click unapply. Once done go to a payment journal and add a refund type line for that vendor. Use apply entries and choose the payment. Whilst there add the payment for the correct vendor. Apply to the invoice and post. Stick to “suggest vendor payments” in the future to avoid mistakes
If the payment was posted you can reverse this by going to the Bank Account/Check Ledger Entries. Locate the Payment and highlight the record. Click Process/Void Check. A pop-up will appear. If you select Unapply and void check the Payment will be reversed from the Bank Account and the Vendor Invoice will be reinstated to be paid on a future Payment Journal.
Hope this helps.
André Arnaud de Cal...
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