When receiving an lot numbered item and you enter the lot number and expiry date. All is well, Post receipt/Invoice. Done.
Now realizing the expiry date was wrong, it is ok to change the lot's expiry date using item reclassification. All is well, item is adjusted out and back in. Done
But what if the Lot that you have received has already been partly transferred to another location, or locations?
I have tested this albeit on version 14... , so hopefully this has been resolved in later versions.
When transferring lot tracked item out of the original received store to another, the lot quantity remaining on the original lot does not decrease (it should)
When transferring same item back to the original received store to the original lot, the lot quantity remaining is increased. (as it should)
Original received qty 100
Transfer out 20 should result in 80 remaining on the lot for that location, but remains at 100
Transfer in 20 should bring lot qty back to 100, but shows as 120
So my question really is this... If this functionality was working properly, would it be possible to change expiry dates of items that have been moved from the original receipt location?