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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

till won't open

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Hi I'm sorry if this has been answered before but I've looked and can't find the answer. I'm at my wits end at work with this and our "tech" guys can't seem to fix it so thought I'd ask here. So the only issue is with the till it won't open, when prompted or when sales are put through. When ever you do something on pos that would normally make the till open u get a icon please close till well the till is closed with this icon there you can't do anything you have to go into task manager and close pos and re open.  Now all the cables are in and icon stays there even when we unplug till. Our set up is 1 till cable goes into back of computer receipt printer has 2 cables 1 into computer and one into router all are hp. Pls help if u can thanks

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  • kezia g Profile Picture
    kezia g 80 on at
    RE: till won't open

    Hello, Ok so it's sorted kind of now. The cable that went from the receipt printer to the modem is now plugged in to the cash drawer/till the one that was originally plugged in to the till to computer is actually a old modem cable god knows where the guy who did this found that. but the cable we are using to go from printer to till is the wrong kind as it's still not working so that has been mis placed somewhere. So pretty much we are getting a new till. We had this second hand 5 years ago so time for a new one. Thank you so much for your help as we would of never know about the cable being in the wrong place. And would of continued in the dark. Thank you.

  • Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: till won't open

    Apart from the cables obviously, have you checked the printer properties. The pop-up of the till sometimes can be configured there, depending on the printer model. We work with EPSON's TM printers and you configure till opening in the printer properties...

    Kind regards, A.

  • Verified answer
    RE: till won't open

    Usually with the HP Bundles the cash drawer cable is plugged into the DK port on the printer.  I suggest you try doing it that way.

    So the cabling should rout like this.   using a CAT5/CAT6 patch, connect the router to the computer.  Then connect the printer to the computer.  Then using the cable that came with the cash drawer connect printer to cash drawer. Cable probably has 8 pin connector on drawer side and 6 pin connector for printer side.

    NOTE: DK stands for Drawer Kick.

  • kezia g Profile Picture
    kezia g 80 on at
    RE: till won't open

    So the dk port were should it be plugged. Into the computer as well. Pretty much it's a small kiosk only 1 comp 1 till and 1 printer. I'm pretty sure it's the hp bundle as everything is hp. I can try and find out all the serial numbers when I'm back there. Sorry it's all so vague. The version of rms looks like 1.0 but I might be wrong.  The thing is a guy came and installed a new kiosk for us he has to unplug everything and put it all back I wasn't there one of the other staff was and I don't think everything is where it should be as the receipt printer wasn't even plugged in. And when I traced the other cable from it i thought it was odd that it was plugged into our router and thought if that's in the wrong spot maybe that's why the till won't open. We had a tech guy come out not from our company and he had no idea why it wasn't working and I thought since the specialist don't know how to fix it I'll ask on here as I think you guys know a lot more. Thanks if you can help me in anyway.

  • Verified answer
    RE: till won't open

    We need some more information.  

    What version of RMS are you running?

    What is the brand and model number for the receipt printer?

    What is the brand and model( or size) for the cash drawer?

    OR is this the HP bundle package and where do you buy it and how long ago?

    Which opos drivers are you using for the printer and the cash drawer?

    Do you have other stations that work?  Maybe you could one of those as a reference.

    As a side note: your printer should not have both a connection to the computer and to the router.  The phone looking jack on the back of the printer is used for a cash drawer and is called a DK port.  Dont plug this into a phone line or router or any other network device.  

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