I wanted to provide some information on Service Based Architecture, which is a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015.
Service Based Architecture is a method for accessing Dynamics GP functionality through a standards-based services model. The applications and services that leverage Service Based Architecture are created by Microsoft and its partners.
To boil this down, it means that we can utilize logic that is already created in a dictionary in a GP Client and expose that to an endpoint for Consumption.
The introduction of the Web Client in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 paved the way for Service Based Architecture. It is deployed in the same installation as the Web Client and the same technologies (Certificates\Firewalls\Internet Information Services) need to be understood.
There are two main differences in the design between the Web Client and Service Based Architecture. The first is that unlike the Web Client which connects directly to the Dex Process, Service Based Architecture connects to the Dex Process via the GP Service and the Dex Service Controller.
The second is the nature of the connection. With the Web Client, it requires a stateful connection. Should the state be lost, Silverlight will produce Async errors. With Service Based Architecture, the connection is stateless.
What can we do with it?
With Service Based Architecture, you can perform the following actions:
- GET - Obtain a list of objects or details on a specific object.
- POST - This action is used for the creation of an object
- PATCH - When an update needs to be done, this HTTP Request Type is used.
- DELETE - This is used when an object needs to be deleted
Here is what is exposed to Service Based Architecture with Dynamics GP 2015 RTM:
- Administration
- Countries
- Currencies
- Payment Terms
- Companies
- Financials
- Checkbooks
- Currency Accounts Setup
- Inventory
- Classes
- Item Currencies
- Item Price Lists
- Items
- Item Sites
- Item Vendors
- Lot Categories
- Price Groups
- Price Levels
- Sites
- Transaction Headers
- Transaction Lines
- Transactions
- Unit of Measure Headers
- Unit of Measure Lines
- Unit of Measures
- Modules
- Products
- Purchasing
- Payables Transactions
- Requisitions Transaction Headers
- Requisitions Transaction Lines
- Requisition Transactions
- Vendor Addresses
- Vendors
- Sales
- Classes
- Customer Addresses
- Customers
- Receivables Transactions
Not all of the above actions (GET | POST | PATCH | DELETE) are available for each of these objects.
Jason Lech | Escalation Engineer | Microsoft Dynamics GP
For more information regarding Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015:
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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 New Features - Applications
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 System Wide New Features
Microsoft Dynamics GP2015 Service Based Architecture New Feature
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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 System Requirements
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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Upgrade Hot Topic
Full Documentation – Service Based Architecture New Features
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