In this blog I will cover how to configure your Purchase Order Approval Workflow, so you can have both Purchasing Requisition and PO Entry Workflow enabled without sending your PO Req document through another Approval Workflow.
Below is a screenshot of how my Workflow is setup:
1. My first step is to create a routing workflow, so my manually entered PO's will go through the Approval workflow in Step 1. You will do this by entering in a Condition.
a. With your Workflow selected click New Step.
b. Enter in the Step Name, Description, Step Type: Approval.
c. In the Order section select the option "This step is a first step". This should default once you create the Step.
d. In the Condition section select the radio button that says "Action is required only when the following condition is met".
e. Click the blue expansion arrow.
f. In the Workflow Condition Editor you will enter the following:
Where Purchase Order Line.Line Origin is Manual
g. Select the Compare to radio button to Constant and click Add.
h. Next you will create another Condition in the same window. This time you will have check the box for "Display extended field list". Enter in the following Condition:
or Purchase Order Work.Revision Number is greater than and includes 1
i. Select the Compare to radio button to Constant and click Add.
J. Click OK.
k. Enter in your Assignment for who will be Approving.
l. Click Save Step.
Here is a screenshot of this setup for Step 1:
2. Once that is saved you will create another Step (Step 2) for the Requisition side:
a. With your Workflow selected click New Step.
b. Enter in the Step Name, Description, Step Type: Task.
c. In the Order section select the option "This step is a first step". This should default once you create the Step.
d. In the Condition section select the radio button that says "Action is required only when the following condition is met".
e. Click the blue expansion arrow.
f. In the Workflow Condition Editor you will enter the following:
Where Purchase Order Line.Line Origin is not Manual
g. Select the Compare to radio button to Constant and click Add.
h. Click OK.
i. Enter in your Assignment for who will be completing the Task.
j. Click Save Step.
Here is a screenshot of this setup for Step 2:
3. Mark the Workflow as Active and Save your Workflow.
When you activate this Workflow, all Requisitions that are converted to a Purchase Order will skip the regular Workflow Approval in Step 1 and move to Step 2. The users you assigned Approval on Step 2 will have a new option in the Workflow drop-down for Task Complete on the Purchase Order Entry window. Here is a screenshot of what those users will see:
Once the user completes the Task they will be able to move forward with the PO Document that originated in Purchasing Requisition. You will need to Save the PO and bring it back up to see the new options below:
You can assign all users or a group of users to be able to complete these Tasks. It won't kick it back through the PO Approval. It is just an extra drop-down selection to complete the Task to move the document forward.
I hope you find this information useful when setting up multiple Approvals.
Andy S.
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