For Your Information…IRS Extends Due Dates for New 2015 Information Reporting Requirements
On Dec. 28, the IRS extended the due dates for new health care information reporting forms in 2016. Insurers, self-insuring employers, other coverage providers, and applicable large employers now have additional time to provide health coverage information for 2015 to individual taxpayers and the IRS. Providers and certain employers must now furnish individuals with either Form 1095-B or 1095-C by March 31, 2016. The due dates for issuers filing these forms and the associated Form 1094 with the IRS are May 31, 2016 for paper filers and June 30, 2016 for electronic filers.
Due to these extensions, some individual taxpayers may not receive a Form 1095-B or Form 1095-C by the time they are ready to file their 2015 tax return. While the information on these forms may assist in preparing a return, they are not required. Like last year, taxpayers can prepare and file their returns using other information about their health insurance. Individuals do not have to wait for their Form 1095-B or 1095-C in order to file.
Link to complete article on IRS website
We have noticed once you install the 2015 year end update and create the year end wage file, the print 1095-C routine is printing all employees instead of just employees with amounts. Below is a script you can run to remove those records of zero from the year end table. If you recreate the year end wage file, this will need to be run again. This will be fixed in a future release.
delete from upr10111
where (MonthofCost_1='0' AND MonthofCost_2='0' AND MonthofCost_3='0' AND MonthofCost_4='0'and
MonthofCost_5='0' AND MonthofCost_6='0' AND MonthofCost_7='0' AND MonthofCost_8='0' AND
MonthofCost_9='0' AND MonthofCost_10='0' and MonthofCost_11='0' AND MonthofCost_12='0' AND
MonthofCoverage_1='0' and MonthofCoverage_2='0' and MonthofCoverage_3='0' and MonthofCoverage_4='0'and
MonthofCoverage_5='0' AND MonthofCoverage_6='0' AND MonthofCoverage_7='0' AND MonthofCoverage_8='0' AND
MonthofCoverage_9='0' AND MonthofCoverage_10='0' AND MonthofCoverage_11='0' AND MonthofCoverage_12='0')
and YEAR1='2015'
Now that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 U.S. Year-End Updates have all shipped, click HERE, we can now get down to business!
This topic has been on many of your minds and honestly a thorn in our side.
I have lots of documentation already publically available to you that goes through what needs to be done.
There were MANY changes in the year end update for ACA, so if you are going to track ACA in our system, it is MANDATORY... :-) that you install the year end update to co-inside with all the changes.
A few that I would like to call out that we are getting questions on:
(but it is all documented in detail in my ACA 2015 year end doc below)
1. After the update we are now tracking lowest cost premium and the date change of the premium. Just like we do with the ACA codes. This is important and I would recommend you to install the update, put your Microsoft Dynamics GP user date back to 1/1/2015 and from the setup, roll down the monthly lost cost premium on your plans to the employees. This should then report correctly in box 15.
2. You DO NOT need to order/purchase the 1095-C and 1094-C forms, we will be printing the forms with the lines and the instruction page that goes with the 1095-C. You will still however need to order your W-2 forms and Payables 1099 forms....I know, you were hoping right?
3. Check out the table changes that were made in the year end update, some related to ACA. Click HERE
4. Changes made to printing of dependents when you are not a self-insured plan.
5. Microsoft will not create the electronic file if you are over 250 employees. There are ISV products that will, please review my detailed document below if you need this functionality.
6. Employees that do not have wages may still get a 1095-C we wanted this condition so customers that did not use our Payroll product could still create ACA forms.
Click HERE for a VIEW I created of the ACA tables that you can run in SmartList Designer.
Click HERE for the latest ACA documentation for the 2015 year and all changes in the update in detail.
Click HERE for a 2014 year end document that covers reconcile Payroll information to Human Resource to start to set up Benefits in Human Resource as ACA required Human Resource.
Click HERE to view the 1095-C form with my sample data of multiple dependents and instructional page.
Click HERE for the IRS instructions.
Click HERE for an ACA overview VIDEO with all year end changes included!!!!
After installing the 2015 Year-End Update on GP 2015 only the Human Resource Enrollment ACA field has a missing label. I have modified the window to add the label back if you want you can download and import this new form and set security to it. Click HERE for the form
Copy this package file to a shared location, import the form
Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Customize > Customization Maintenance, click Import and import the package file you downloaded above.
Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports
Select the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID used by the end user(s)
Select a product of Human Resources.
Select a Type of Windows
Expand 3rd party, expand Health Insurance Enrollment and choose ‘Human Resources (Modified)’
- Save the changes and confirm the window appears as expected.
Everyone have a wonderful year end with all your W-2, 1095-C and payroll reporting needs.
Terry Heley, working hard for you,
Escalation Engineer - Microsoft
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