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Session Id : TAtKPNnTVMajal6kBpnrhy

Employee to Direct Manager Workflow 2.0 : How it Works

Isaac Olson Profile Picture Isaac Olson

The purpose of this blog is to explain the functionality of an ‘Employee to Direct Manager’ Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics GP.  This has been a hot topic since it came into existence in GP 2013 R2 and GP 2015 so I wanted to help provide some clarity to help others wrap their heads around this new functionality. 

*You must be on version 14.00.0817  for GP 2015 or 16.00.0552 for GP 2016 to use this functionality as there was a known issue on previous versions.

1. (Administration >> Setup >> Company >> Workflow >>Workflow Maintenance- Click the Lookup for ‘Assign To:’ under your workflow step)

a. Selection Type: Hierarchy

b. Start From: Employee

c. Assign To: Direct Manager


2. This functionality is only available for Payroll and Project Accounting Workflows.

3. It is dependent on the GP user also having a Windows Account assigned to them in User Setup. (Administration >> Setup >> System >> User – Click the ‘Active Directory Tab’)

Note: If the Windows Account is left blank, then transactions submitted by this GP user will go straight to the Workflow Manager that is assigned in Workflow Maintenance instead of the employee’s Direct Manager.


4. When a transaction is saved for an employee (or on behalf of an employee) they system will first look to the UPR00100 to find which GP user ID is assigned to that specific Employee ID.  This can also be found on the ‘Additional Information’ button that is on the Employee Card. (Cards >> Payroll >> Employee – Click Additional Information).


5. The GP user from Step 4 will be used to find the Windows User from step 3.  This will be checked against Active Directory and the manager listed in the ‘Organization’ tab for this user will be assigned to approve the Transaction that was submitted.

Note: If there is no manager listed, the approval will go to the Workflow Manager.

If for some reason the process of reaching out to Active Directory is interrupted or cannot be made, GP will assign the approval to the Workflow Manager. This is a fail-safe so that the transaction does not get stuck out there without any approvers.

Additional Note:  There have been some questions regarding the SupervisorADLogin column in the UPR10500.  This is NOT used in the Employee to Direct Manager Workflow process. 

Thanks for taking the time to read through this.  I hope you find this information helpful!

Isaac Olson
Sr Support Engineer
Microsoft Dynamics GP


*This post is locked for comments

  • ThamiLanga Profile Picture ThamiLanga 10
    Posted 16 Sep 2020 at 14:57:59
    Informative blog, thank you, just one question, what happens if the Direct Manager is on leave, can we use a condition or we should make changes to the AD.
  • Chuck Curtiss Profile Picture Chuck Curtiss
    Posted 09 Jul 2019 at 12:22:44
    I think I have all the settings correct. But when time is submitted the direct supervisor is bypassed the fail safe work flow is triggered. Any ideas where to check? I can add snips if necessary.
  • Isaac Olson Profile Picture Isaac Olson
    Posted 03 May 2019 at 00:44:23

    Hi Jeannette,

    Thank you! This is still relevant to GP 2018.  The "Direct Manager" is the Manager listed under the Organization Tab in Active Directory for the Windows Account that is signed to that Employee's GP User.  

    If you take a look at the Windows account from the picture in Step 3, in Active Directory, that is where you will find the Organization tab and the Manager assigned to the user.

    The other option would be to set up a workflow with conditions that assigned the workflow to a specific user based on which employees, departments, or positions for example are listed on the Timecard.  This method is used often if the manager in active directory does not line up with the employee's manager in Payroll.


    Isaac Olson

    Microsoft Support

  • Jeannette Coty Profile Picture Jeannette Coty
    Posted 01 Mar 2019 at 16:47:56

    Hi Issac,

    This is a very informative blog!

    1. Is this article still relevant for GP 2018?  

    2. I am trying to direct a customer as to where to change the "Direct Manager" for a particular employee.  Understanding that the Direct Manager in Active Directory has taken the place of the "Supervisor" on the Employee Maintenance window. They previously used the Portal and were used to just changing the Supervisor on the Employee Card and having the Portal updated automatically.

    I also want to establish a good procedure for them, on how to do this in the future when an Employee's "Supervisor" changes.  

    Thank you,

    Jeannette Bachellor