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I tried Beth`s suggestion but still the same problem, I think I will have to wait until the next tax update is released as per Leslie suggestion.
thanks for all your help with this
I do not think the upgrade path to GP2010 will not be restored until the round 2 tax update is released for GP 2010. I give more details in my blog article
You can try this, it didn't work for me but was another suggestion from Microsoft.
1) First, backup the DYNAMICS database as well as the company you're updating
2) Then, edit and run the following:
SET db_status = 23
WHERE db_name = 'xxxx'
3) Run GP 9.0 Utilities and you should be prompted to upgrade. If several companies are given just select the one we're working on and proceed with the update.
Thanks for the reply Beth, My servername is fine. I have also tried this from Warren Pease
Here is what I think is going on. The DU00020 table has an entry for company -1, which is Fabrikam. I bet the TWO database does not exist. Utilitiles looks to the DU00020 to determine versions and find the -1 company at the wrong level, so it errors.
1) Look at SY01500 table in the Dynamics database. If you find -1 in the CMPNYID column, delete the row. If you don't, that is okay.
2) If TWO database exists, delete it.
3) Delete all rows in the DU00020 table that have CMPNYID of -1.
4) On Customer Source, find the KB863236 article. Download and run the clear companies script.
All your other companies and Dynamics databases look like they are on the right level. You should be good to go.
Once upgraded, you can add the sample company back using utilities if you want.
This didnt work either.
I have tried another Hotix which takes me up to , but still the same error
Here is what I think is going on. The DU00020 table has an entry for company -1, which is Fabrikam. I bet the TWO database does not exist. Utilitiles looks to the DU00020 to determine versions and find the -1 company at the wrong level, so it errors.
1) Look at SY01500 table in the Dynamics database. If you find -1 in the CMPNYID column, delete the row. If you don't, that is okay.
2) If TWO database exists, delete it.
3) Delete all rows in the DU00020 table that have CMPNYID of -1.
4) On Customer Source, find the KB863236 article. Download and run the clear companies script.
All your other companies and Dynamics databases look like they are on the right level. You should be good to go.
Once upgraded, you can add the sample company back using utilities if you want.
I worked with a microsoft rep to get this fixed. Turns out when i ran GP Utilities to update the tables from 9.0 to Gp2010 I had error messages which I just ignored. Turns out my test SQl server name was differnent.
1) First, run the following to see what server names are stored in SQL:
SELECT @@servername
SELECT * from master..sysservers
2) Assuming that this is wrong, you need to edit and run the following to set them to the correct name:
sp_dropserver 'oldserver'
sp_addserver 'newserver', local
3) Then, restart the SQL Server service on the test server
4) Re-run the scripts from Step #1 to verify the change took place
Reinstall GP2010 to upgrade companies with no errors.
I`mhaving the exact same issues as Beth, has anyone else got round this??
I am upgrading to 2010. I did find the upgrade paths for 2010 and I followed them. It said to upgrade 9.0 to the newest version which I did (9.00.386) and to use the latest GP2010 which I am. But for some reason the duinstall.log file still thinks I'm using version 352.... which I'm not.
Duinstall.log error - Error: Product 0 does not support upgrading from version 9.0.352.
It's definiately a version issue but I followed Microsoft's paths but for some reason it's not liking it. Any other ideas??
follow my blog article for above error. I faced this error before.
Let me know problem resolve or not.
Chances are it is the Fabrikam, Inc. DB run th following script for verification
SELECT * FROM SY01500 where cmpanyid = -1
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