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How to Prevent Scope Creep In Your Next ERP Project

Scope creep happens when last-minute deliverables and requests exceed the pre-set project scope. It can occur anytime during a project and cause significant delays or cost overruns. 

No one wants to see their ERP project fail or lose sight of its objectives - but the good thing is that there are steps that you can take to avoid scope creep. 

What is Scope Creep? 

In project management terms, the scope is the outline of the requirements and deliverables of a project. In most cases, the scope is defined at the project's beginning and covered in the project plan or roadmap. You can also think of it as the deviation of your ERP project from the actual scope by adding new features and software customizations. It is the slow and often unnoticed increases that occur to your original ERP scope of work. 

The impact of scope creep can be costly, often leading to extended deadlines and additional fees. Your team may also lose sight of the original goals or the core issues your ERP project was meant to address, leaving your end-users dissatisfied with the ERP project, which can also lower adoption rates. 

Why does this happen? It’s often caused due to poor planning, lack of efficient team collaboration, misaligned expectations, poor communication, or when unexpected issues arise. 

7 Ways to Prevent Scope Creep During an ERP Implementation 

Looking to help your company mitigate the risks of scope creep from your ERP project? Tracking and handling project scope is vital to a successful implementation. Here are seven ways to prevent scope creep in your next ERP implementation

1. Define Project Objectives and Scope 

At the beginning of your ERP project, you must ensure that all requirements or deliverables are already outlined in the scope statement of the project plan. And that everyone working in the team is aware of these. This way, you will have a roadmap to guide your project, which can be used during unanticipated circumstances to decide whether to accept the proposed changes. You should also document your project requirements. Discuss deliverables, milestones, budgets, roles, and responsibilities with all your stakeholders. 

2. Set Up Change Control Processes 

It is not always possible to avoid requested changes resulting from stakeholder or end-user feedback. However, you can prepare for them with an effective change control process. This ensures that the change requests go through the proper channels. With the help of this process, you can evaluate and understand the effect on the project, cost, or timeline to the fullest extent. Basically, it is a process for team members or stakeholders to submit change requests, involving a step for those requests to be analyzed by the project manager and other main project stakeholders and a system to assess if the requested changes will be approved, denied, or deferred. Setting up a change control process is critical as it enables you to regain control over your project while allowing flexibility to include new requests if needed. 

Read the full blog post here to learn more about the seven ways to avoid scope creep in your implementation projects. 

If you're looking for an ERP partner who can guide your ERP project and help you meet your objectives without going over budget or timeline, Kwixand Solutions is here to help. We are a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner based in Vancouver, Canada, and we help businesses across the US and Canada digitally transform and thrive. We offer 2 types of fixed-fee ERP implementation methodologies to help businesses mitigate the risks of going overbudget or over schedule. Book a consultation with the team to learn more.

The post How to Prevent Scope Creep In Your Next ERP Project appeared first on ERP Software Blog.

This was originally posted here.


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