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NAV 2013 R2 - How to Create a Blank Database with Blank Company?

Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture Saurav.Dhyani 14,306 Super User 2025 Season 1
Hi all,

It was asked to me a lot of time that how can i create a Blank Database with a Blank company in NAV 2013 R2.

It was so easy till NAV 2013 as the company creation was available in Developer Environment, but with release of NAV 2013 R2 Creating a New Blank Database with a Blank company is changed.

In this article we will see steps to achieve same.

Steps -

1. Create a New Database in NAV 2013 R2 using Developer Environment.

** I Name my Database as Blank Database.

2. In the Recently Created Database i can see only system tables as shown below -

3. Lets see what next i want -

a) Now for creating a company i need Navision Objects, so i opened a Cronus Standard database and exported all Objects.

b) But for importing objects i need a service. (Object metadata sync to SQL via Service Tier.)

c) For Creating Service i need sufficient permission to Service Account on SQL.

4. I will be using network service account to run service, so below are permission required on database.
db_datareader, db_datawriter, db_ddladmin & db_owner

5. Now i will create a service to connect to my Blank database. I will name service as BlankService.

6. Start the Service and start Importing Objects (exported in step 3) in the Blank Database. Do Not Import all objects in one Go. Break into parts as listed below.

a. Import all objects except tables. 
(Filter Import Windows with Type <>Table)

b. Import tables between 1..10000.
(Filter Import Windows with Type  = Table, and ID <=10000)

c. Import Tables between 10000..99008535 
(Filter Import Window with Type  = Table, and ID >10000 & <2000000000)

7. Now Run SyncNav-Tenant Command. How to Run SyncNav-Tenat?

8. Once SyncNav-Tenant is completed we are ready to create a company in database.
How to Create a New Company in Database?

I Named the company as Blank Company.

Let's try to open the windows / RTC Client, and yes we have successfully achieved what we planned for.

I hope you will find the post useful and let me know as comments if you have any issues.

Saurav Dhyani

This was originally posted here.


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