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Dynamics 365 Community / User Groups / Cincinnati OH D365 F&O User Group

Cincinnati OH D365 F&O User Group

8 Members

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Cincinnati, OH, United States

Greater Cincinnati has a long history of a strong manufacturing sector, continuing to this day, and many regional & national retail & distribution businesses also call it home.
Microsoft F&O is seeing increased adoption as the chosen ERP solution for large enterprises, with several sites in the area going live in the past 5 years and many more to come.
Accordingly, the User Group is intended to provide a venue for local F&O users to share experiences and provide one another informal support. Further, for F&O professionals who leave an organization, to remain in contact with one another. This will be pursued through the online community tools, as well as in-person local meetings, for which informative sessions shall be prepared.
The experience of the end-user is a guiding principle. Experience and insight from Independent Consultants and individuals working with Partners and ISVs will be sought and welcomed for our informational sessions, but in strict observance of the Non-Solicitation provisions of the Community Code of Conduct.
Group leaders

EFranklin, JFogelman

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