Time: Arrive for 18:45, 19:00 start.
Location: The Ageas Bowl, Southampton.
Meeting Room: Lakeview Bar, Upper Ground Floor, Hilton Hotel.
19:00 - 19:20 - Daniel Barber (Cloud9Insight)
Title - The many spokes of Microsoft 365 integration with Dynamics 365 & the Power Platform?
Description: A discussion about the traditional integrations between the product sets, the new features of collaboration between MS Teams and D365 and a brief look into the future of what Microsoft has planned.
19:20 -19:40 - Alex Hazeldine
Title - How the Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE) will change your licence purchasing experience.
Description: Microsoft licensing is changing. One of the largest updates to the Cloud Solution Provider program is already in effect, with the deadline for Microsoft Cloud customers to have moved all their licensing to this new model rapidly approaching. I’ll explain what the New Commerce experience is and how it will affect your Microsoft licensing.
19:40 - 20:00 - Tom Moore - (Power 365 Solutions)
Title - The Power Hour - Build your app in less than an hour!
Description: The Power Hour - With the most common question around general Microsoft 365 being “What’s next”, we look to take your ideas and build them live so you can see just how easy and effective the Power Platform can be for your business! Disclaimer: High risk of failure (which in itself is fun!)”
Beer and Pizza for all attendees will be served at 20:00.