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View allВ связи с объявленными изменениями в российском законодательстве о бухгалтерском учёте, в частности - с грядущим вступлением в силу с 1 января 2022 года нового Федерального стандарта ФСБУ 27/2021, обязывающего, помимо прочих изменений, ...
There are few upcoming legislation changes for Russian accounting, related to accounting transactions storage. That should have had its impact starting from 1st of January, 2022. Many users have questions how to interpret...
There is still quite a number of countries that are lacking the cloud (SaaS) version of Dynamics 365 Business Central. However, if you do want to use cloud, you can get an option which will be very close to SaaS. It will also allow you to consolid...
В Росси пока нет официальной облачной локализованной версии Dynamics 365 Business Central. Но если очень хочется, можно получить вариант разворачивания, максимально приближенный к SaaS, позволяющий консолидировать данные из нескольких по-разному л...
The largest 3rd party conference of Dynamics 365 Business Central - Directions - took place in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for its Asian part ( this year 01-02 of April, 2019. Again, little under 500 participants, with m...
This year, Extreme 365 and User Group Summit in Europe were held in the same place, almost at the same time - in RAI exhibition center in Amsterdam, 24.03 - 29.03. This is mainly due to the fact that both conferences have joint together and admini...
Настоятельно рекомендуются к посещению следующие конференции по продуктам Microsoft Dynamics в 2019 году: Dates Conference name Link Location Type All year Microsoft Ignite - The Tour Misc. Mi...
Despite recent Directions US conference, where most of the news were revealed, licensing topics were still hot on Directions EMEA. Awara IT as usual is visiting the biggest Dynamics NAV and Business Central conference in the world. Here is a wrap-...