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High severity vulnerability in pcf-scripts package due to dependency on xml2js

Have you noticed recently that when you run npm install on your PCF projects, you get a high severity vulnerabilities error (or maybe you were spammed by the GitHub [emoticon:2d6f789653e1461e8dd13b99016436b3] dependabot like I was)?Luckily, i...

ScottDurow 50,170
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First look at PCF dynamic schema object outputs

One of the new features now supported in PCF (Power Apps Component Framework) code components are 'object outputs'. A PCF component has a manifest file that defines the inputs/output properties that it accepts, and each of those properties...

ScottDurow 50,170
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Power Fx delegation of 'in' operator against Davaverse

Delegation of queries in Canvas Apps/Custom Pages has long been a troublesome topic and we are always looking out for the triangle of doom, or the double blue underline of eternal stench (well, it is Halloween soon!) I try to keep a close eye o...

ScottDurow 50,170
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Perform ExecuteMultiple in batches and changesets from TypeScript using dataverse-...

My free tutorial course on writing Dataverse web resources has been available for over a year now, and it has had over 1000 people enrol! The course uses version 1 of dataverse-ify, and of course over that time I've been working on version 2 w...

ScottDurow 50,170
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Perform complex Dataverse FetchXml queries using Power Fx (from a Canvas App)

One of the constant challenges we face when writing canvas apps and custom pages using Power Fx is ensuring that the queries we use are always delegatable. Not all operators are delegatable to the server when using Filter or Sort, which can someti...

ScottDurow 50,170
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How to update multiple records in a model-driven app grid using Power Fx commanding

If you wanted to add a button to a command bar to perform an update on multiple records in a grid, you can easily create a formula that results in slow performance caused by multiple grid refreshes. This post outlines, the most performant way of a...

ScottDurow 50,170
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Power Apps ESLint plugin replaces Solution Checker for TypeScript code

The Power Apps team have had a long-standing quality tool called the Solution Checker. This was built into the Dataverse solution management interface, ALM Power Platform Build Tools and even a PowerShell version. The challenge with the Solution C...

ScottDurow 50,170
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React 18 is not compatible with Fluent UI and how to work around it in PCF projects

React version 18 has recently been pushed into npm which is great if all of your components support it, however, if you are working with Fluent UI then you may stumble across the following error: npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOL...

ScottDurow 50,170