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Finance firm tightens document security with automatic Dynamics 365 CRM – SharePoint permission syncing!

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Findango Finance, provides financial services to small and midsize firms having trouble getting money from regular banks in Spain. They offer services such as lines of credit, loans, and discounted products, presenting alternatives to the conventional credit options available through traditional banks.

Data Dilemma: Balancing Growth with Document Security

As Findango Finance's business grew, so did the need to securely store important client documents.

To address this challenge and optimize storage costs, they implemented a combined solution using Dynamics 365 CRM and SharePoint.

While both platforms have access controls, the native integration does not sync user access permissions from CRM to SharePoint. This meant confidential documents like contracts could be accessed by other users.

The post Finance firm tightens document security with automatic Dynamics 365 CRM – SharePoint permission syncing! first appeared on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Tips and Tricks.

This was originally posted here.


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