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Why BC Doesn't Ask for Item Tracking Information During Reclassification

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 7,072 Super User 2024 Season 2

Why Business Central Doesn't Ask for Item Tracking Information During Reclassification

When reclassifying items in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, users may find that the system does not prompt for lot tracking or serial number information, even when the item is set up with item tracking.

Reason: in the item tracking code card, the flag "Warehouse Tracking", needs to be set to "Yes". This setting is crucial because it controls whether the system requires serial number information when posting internal movements, including reclassification entries.

To ensure that Business Central requests item tracking information during reclassification, the " Warehouse Tracking" flag needs to be activated. By enabling this setting, you align the system's behavior with your tracking requirements, maintaining accurate inventory control and traceability.


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