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Tuesday Tip #11 - Discover the Community News blog

Shikha Thakur Profile Picture Shikha Thakur Community Manager
Greetings, community members!

Join us for another installment of our Tuesday tip series. In today's discussion, we'll explore what you can anticipate from our community news section and discover how to leverage it for your own advantage.

To access the Community News option, simply click on the Resources dropdown and scroll down to locate the Community News link.

The news blog provides the latest updates, highlights current happenings in our community, and features the Community Spotlight of the month. We also share valuable insights from our community members. Beyond our engaging Tuesday tip series, you'll discover a range of compelling content, including thought-provoking series like "Can you Answer this?" and the Dynamics 365 Community Monthly Newsletter, along with the Community Weekly Roundup.
Furthermore, you can explore tips and tricks, stay informed about upcoming events, and participate in engaging discussions on various topics. This space serves as your comprehensive source for anything and everything related to our dynamic community. Explore interesting interviews with community members, stay updated on upcoming events, and check out helpful tutorials. There's a lot of different content waiting for you here!

If you have any questions or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Community Support.
To quickly submit a comment about the site, in the site navigation menu, go to 'Resources' -> 'Community Feedback'.
Stay engaged, informed, and inspired within our community! Happy exploring. 


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