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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / ShabibAX / Debugging issue with Non-De...

Debugging issue with Non-Dev environment data.

In Finance and Operations world, we use to face issues several times where we are unable to reproduce any issue on dev while it is reproduceable on UAT or Testing environments.

To deal with these kind of issues if we don't want to restore database on dev env due to some limitation then we can go through following steps to debug.

Step 1: 

Go to the AoSService\WebRoot directory. Find the file that is named web.config, and make a backup of it.

Step 2:

Then open the web.config file in Notepad or another editor, and find the following configurations:

  • DataAccess.Database
  • DataAccess.DBServer
  • DataAccess.SqlPwd
  • DataAccess.SqlUser

Update these configurations so that they use the values from the environment details page for the Non-Dev environment in LCS.

key="DataAccess.Database" value="example_axdb_fromAzure"
key="DataAccess.DbServer" value="
key="DataAccess.SqlPwd" value="axdbadmin_password_from_LCS" 
key="DataAccess.SqlUser" value="axdbadmin"

Step 3:

If you're operating in a cloud-hosted environment, run IISRESET. Make sure your visual studio is closed when you are performing this activity. Start world wide web publishing service.

Finally, open a web browser, go to the URL of your Dev environment, and verify that you're pulling data from the Non-Dev database.


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