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Demystifying Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Licensing: A Detailed but simple Guide

Over here I will try to cover all key licensing areas like

  • Pricing
  • What minimum you can get
  • Analyzing the Requirement / Extracting licensing details from Finance and Operations.



You can also get Full user license (both supply chain and finance combined) by spending 30$ more on top of 180$ license. This license can get you all the functionalities of Dynamics 365 FO in one license.

Minimum Requirement:

In Finance & Operations you need to get 20 full users of either the Finance or the Supply Chain Management app. It cannot be 10 of each or any other breakdown. It has to be 20 licenses of one app atleast.

Analyzing License Requirement:

License analysis is now performed through a combination of entry-point and privilege-level licenses. The entry point analysis shows how many Team Members, Activity, and Operations licenses are needed. The privilege level analysis is used to determine what type of license level a user needs for Operations (Finance, SCM, Commerce).

entry point analysis: To Identify security roles associated with user, here we be determining the amount of Operations, Team Member, and Activity licenses required. The report located in the following route is used to carry out this process. 
System Administration -> Enquiries -> License -> User Licenses Count.

privilege level analysis: Here we determine what license level the user actually needs to be assigned (Finance, Supply Chain, commerce), the report located in the following route is used.
System Administration -> Enquiries -> License Reports -> User License Estimator.

Licensing analysis can be done both functionally (front-end application) and technically (through sql database). However, it will be much easier to find out licensing details through sql queries.

If we run through functionally, we can go to a specific security role by going following the navigation. Once landed into the security role, we need to go to permission which will give us details of all the licenses assigned to each privilege associated with this role. 
System Administration -> Security -> Security Configuration


Technically, above information can be obtained through the following queries. before heading toward technical queries please keep the following points into consideration.

  • The license type (Activity, team member, operations) is defined on the menu item level. Menu items are tagged to privileges through which the license type on privilege is defined. privileges are associated with roles, which will then identify the license type on roles.
  • The highest license type on any privilege of a role will become the license type of that role. 
  • In the tables, following are the different namings used of license type.
    • Activity-> activity
    • Universal -> Team member
    • Enterprise - > Operations (Finance/ Supply chain, Commerce)

Query to get all roles, their assigned privileges and license type.

select distinct b.NAME as 'Role name'
, d.Name as 'Privilege Name',d.identifier,g.SKUNAME
from SecurityRole b
join SecurityRolePrivilegeExplodedGraph c on c.securityrole = b.recid
join SecurityPrivilege d on c.SECURITYPRIVILEGE = d.recid
join licensingserviceplansprivilege g on g.PRIVILEGERECID = d.recid

Query to get all roles, associated menu items and their license type.

 distinct b.NAME as 'Role name',case when h.USERLICENSETYPE = 4 THEN 'Enterprise'
when h.USERLICENSETYPE = 7 THEN 'Activity'
when h.USERLICENSETYPE = 6 THEN 'Universal'
end as 'Role License Type',
h.resourcename as MenuItemName,
case when l.MAINTAINLICENSE = 4 THEN 'Enterprise'
when l.MAINTAINLICENSE = 7 THEN 'Activity'
when l.MAINTAINLICENSE = 6 THEN 'Universal'
end as 'Menu Item Maintain License Type',
case when l.VIEWLICENSE = 4 THEN 'Enterprise'
when l.VIEWLICENSE = 0 THEN 'None'
when l.VIEWLICENSE = 7 THEN 'Activity'
when l.VIEWLICENSE = 6 THEN 'Universal'
end as 'Menu Item View License Type'
from SecurityRole b
join SecurityRolePrivilegeExplodedGraph c on c.securityrole = b.recid
join SystemSecurityPermissionEntity h on h.SECURITYROLENAME =

Important tables/views/entities 

SecurityRole Security role details
SecurityDuty Security duty details
SecurityPrivilege Security privilege details
LicensingServicePlansPrivilege Licensing on the privilege level
SECURITYROLEPRIVILEGEEXPLODEDGRAPH Security role and its associated privilege
SystemSecurityPermissionEntity Security role with associated menu items and role's accesses
SECURITYMENUITEMLICENSES Menu items and their licenses

With this information, you can easily identify what licenses are applied to which user. Which security object is impacting licensing count to increase? how many more licenses you need to get and so on....

Hope it helps!


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