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{Do you know} Explore enhancements to outbound dialing in Omnichannel Customer Service

malla Profile Picture malla 1,264
Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my thoughts on the new preview feature of Omnichannel customer service explore enhancements to outbound dialing.

Let's get's started.

Let's delve into the recent enhancements to outbound dialing. These improvements aim to streamline the calling process for agents. Here are the key features.

1.Search and Call: Agents can now search for customer contacts or accounts directly from the outbound dialer and initiate calls. This makes placing calls more efficient and convenient.

2.Customer Record Access: Additionally, agents can open the customer record directly from the call history. This seamless integration allows them to access relevant information while on a call.

These enhancements enhance productivity and provide a smoother outbound dialing experience for customer service teams.

That's it for today.

I hope this helps.

Malla Reddy Gurram(@UK365GUY)

This was originally posted here.


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