How to ignore Application Checker rules?
Hello AX World,
Have you used Application Checker?
More information can be found here.
It is not preconfigured on devboxes. You need to install 64 bit Java Runtime Environment and BaseX tool.
Have you ever considered to ignore certain rules? I have.
Rules loaction
App Checker rules are located here:
In the location there is a file called ExcludedRules.lst.
By default there is one rule ignored already.
Edit the file to include new rules, e.g.:
You might need to edit the file outside the location as it requires administrator rights to do it. Copy it to the Desktop edit and copy it back.
This is the result when I ignored the rules on XML documentation:
You can also have rules in the subfolders. E.g. you might want to have custom rules for your solution in a separate location.
To ignore rules in the subfolder add them as shown in the example:
Make sure you don't ignore rules that has Severity level Error.
Be aware and take care!
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