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Tuesday Tip #18: Your 'My Activity' page

Bret Fraser v- Profile Picture Bret Fraser v- Community Manager
Did you know there is very useful dashboard that lets you fine-tune your community engagement?
Here you can easily find questions you've asked or replied to, or subscribe to forums or threads in one place.
The 'My Activity' page is available via your profile in the upper right of the site header (when logged in).

Your 'My Activity' (forums tab) view includes:

1. My Questions - all questions you have authored as original forum questions, and status of each

2. Subscribed questions - all questions you have individually subscribed to, and status of each

3. Questions I replied - all questions you have replied to, and status of each

4. Subscribed forums - list of all forums, with easy toggle buttons to subscribe/unsubscribe

5. Search bar - search across topics (thread titles)

Your 'My Activity' (User Groups tab) view includes:
user groups tab view
1. My user groups - all community user groups that you have joined

2. User group events I registered for  - all user groups that you have registered for

This activity page will be expanded to include blog activity, event activity, and more in the near future.

We appreciate your engagement in the community, and all feedback is welcome!


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