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Congratulations 2016 CRMUG All Stars and Chapter/Chapter Leader of the Year awarded at Summit 2016

Community has been a strong theme this week at CRMUG Summit. At Tuesday’s Opening Keynote, Andy Hafer, CEO of Dynamic Communities, highlighted a quote from Cesar Chavez, "We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity of our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own."

Throughout the week, I have heard countless stories and seen countless ways that the CRMUG community stands shoulder-to-shoulder, rolls up their sleeves, and digs in to help one another.

In yesterday’s Community Awards Ceremony, CRMUG Board Chair, Andreas Kraemer spoke about the incredible ways the CRMUG community has grown over the last year. Just look at all of the number of Collaborate discussion posts on the infographic – these are members who give their time to share knowledge to help other users.


It was really impactful to see the 2015 All Star Award recipients on stage to award the newest All Stars and to share the many reasons why each All Star recipient was chosen. These All Stars have shared their Dynamics CRM knowledge with the community through webinars and Chapter meetings, they have served on various committees & boards, and they help other users through the Open Forum. The CRMUG community is incredibly lucky that they have given their time and energy to this community; we have all benefitted greatly.

I’m happy to congratulate our very-deserving 2016 All Star Award recipients: Ashley Steiner, TrueBlue Inc., Andreas Kraemer, Wells Fargo, Joel Lindstrom, Hitachi Solutions, and Rick McCutcheon, Full Contact Selling.

Ashley Steiner, TrueBlue Inc

Andreas Kraemer, Wells Fargo

Joel Lindstrom, Hitachi Solutions

Rick McCutcheon, Full Contact Selling

The 2016 Chapter Leader of the Year award recipient is Kylie Kiser who leads CRMUG's DC Chapter. Chapter Leader of the Year candidates were nominated by the users and partners who attend their meetings. Kylie goes above and beyond for her Chapter and I couldn’t have said it better than CRMUG Chapter Manager, Gretchen (see quote).

Kylie Kiser, CRMUG's DC Chapter

"I'm super impressed by the energy, consistency, and with the broad reach of participants we've had at the CRMUGDC! We owe Kylie for this, she keeps up the enthusiasm and makes it fun and also very professional,” said one of her nominators. "Kylie has formed a great mix of commercial and public sector, partner and customer, small and large organizations that make our chapter meetings very supportive and informative. She is respected by members of her Chapter and other Dynamics CRM users; She is very deserving of this award."

The 2016 Chapter of the Year Award is the CRMUG Texas (Houston) Chapter. Leader Mark Suchman, Ascend Performance Materials, can be proud of his chapter's accomplishments. They had the highest attendee satisfaction score across all CRMUG Chapters; a 33% quarterly increase in attendance and hold regular quarterly meetings, offering Dynamics CRM users and partners a consistent cadence to network and learn in-person.  All of these accomplishments were accomplished with a one-person leadership team.

CRMUG Texas (Houston) Chapter, Leader: Mark Suchman


All over the CRMUG community, users and partners are stepping up to help other Dynamics CRM users be more proficient in their jobs – a true testament to the prosperity of our community. I was fortunate to be a part of the community this week at Summit and am looking forwarding to stepping up within the community myself this year.

Your call to action is to find ways in which you can volunteer and help other CRM users as well – your community needs you. To get involved, visit:

Congratulations to each Award nominee and to those who were awarded here at Summit. We’re thankful for all that you do!


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