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Dynamics CRM Tip: Dashboards for User Activity

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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM tip for today shows you how to create dashboards in CRM to display user activity levels. This can be a great tool when you want to be able to see what users are most active and also what areas they are most active in. This will give you a better way of tracking the amount of activity of your users in your dashboard for easy viewing. As we all know having the most information on your users makes you better prepared when deciding what actions to take going forward.

Here is what you will need to do to set-up your new dashboard:

  • Set up a new User view with filter to pull only the activity types you need and only pull completed
    • You would also create a view to display number of created activities

User Activity Dashboard 1

  • Setup a chart to display the user activity information for the Completed activities

User Activity Dashboard 2

  • Then setup a dashboard or add a new chart to an existing dashboard to display the completed activities by user

User Activity Dashboard 3

  • You can set up completed activities by owner or by owner and priority. You could also set up a view/chart/dashboard to display number of updates to accounts/contacts by owner.

User Activity Dashboard 4

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The post Dynamics CRM Tip: Dashboards for User Activity appeared first on Ledgeview Partners.


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