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D365 CRM Early-bound 'The method 'Count' is not supported.'


When working with Early-bound and Linq to query the Dataverse data, it's not uncommon to run into errors such as

System.NotSupportedException: 'The method 'Count' is not supported.'


This error can be frustrating and time-consuming to troubleshoot, but fortunately, there are solutions available to resolve it.

In this blog, we'll explore two options to fix this issue.


Option1: use the .ToList() method

One solution to the "Count" method not being supported error is to use the .ToList() method before calling the .Count() method. This will convert the query results into a list, which will allow the Count method to be used.

Here's an example of how to use this solution:

  //Option 1
  int count = serviceContext.AccountSet.ToList().Count();

In this example, we're querying the AccountSet entity using Linq and storing the results in a list using the .ToList() method. We can then call the .Count() method on the list to get the number of accounts.

Option 2: Use the .Count() Method with IEnumerable

For example:

            //Option 2
            IEnumerable accounts = serviceContext.AccountSet;
            int count2 = accounts.Count();

The whole code sample:



When working with early-bound and Linq to query the Dataverse data, it's important to be aware of the "Count" method not being supported error. By using either the .ToList() method or the .Count() method with IEnumerable, you can easily resolve this issue and get the count of the table you need.



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