Incoming emails were not tracked or synced to D365 as expected.
Root cause:
This is expected as the user's personal setting is in response, it will only track those emails replied to this user.
For example:
A user creates an email in CRM and sends it out.
Then others reply to this email, it will automatically tracked.
You can change your personal settings through the following steps:
Step 1: Navigate to the Personalization Settings
Step 2: In the Email tab you can select the different Track options.
It's not recommended to select - All Email messages, as it will result in all received emails being synced to CRM, including your personal emails.
More information
In CRM, there are two types of mailboxes: user and queue mailbox.
Queue mailbox email tracking rule as below, You need to go to the queue record.
Create and manage queues for cases | Microsoft Learn
user mailbox email tracking rule is related on personal setting.
Set personal options in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) | Microsoft Learn
If you want to update others’ personal settings, you can use Xrmtoolbox to load all users’ settings and update them.
The End
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